Preceptor Theta Nu  








Site Map




A 3 Star




Preceptor Theta Nu is a Career Chapter, meeting the second Wednesday of each month, at 7:30pm, at member’s homes.  We have been a 3-Star chapter for the past 2 years.


Our chapter is unique in the same wonderful way as all BSP chapters: specifically, in the way we love and care for each other in times of need.  Several sisters have had difficult challenges this year, either health, financial, hurricane-related, and/or spiritual, and this group of women has rallied to help.  We vary in age over an almost 25 year span and act as sister, mother, confidante, and friend despite the fact that we are not all contemporaries in age.  Each of our sisters is a doer, a mover, a shaker, yet it never feels like we have "too many cooks to spoil the broth."  We all listen to each other and respect each other's opinion.  It all boils down to the closeness and caring that each of us sought and found in Preceptor Theta Nu.



Rita Doris



Vice President

Vicky Nichols-DeNegre



Recording Secretary

Sandy Erickson



Corresponding Secretary

Karen Dettro




Judy Wilhelm



Council Rep

Rita Doris

Alternate Rep

Vicky Nichols-DeNegre






We do not decide on a date until the month before (usually) so we can find a date where we can have the most sisters available to participate.  So, if anyone sees any event and is interested, they can contact us to get information.  The Points of Contact are Vicky Nichols ( or Rita Doris (


Last Updated:  November 6, 2007